The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Memories: 4 years at PSU after 4 years undergrad. at Lehigh. Different, but rewarding and enjoyable experiences at both as a professional student. Changed from EPC to Engineering graduate program. Grad. student desks in basement of Sackett, with window as the door. In CE Dept.-Dr.'s Ray Regan, David Long (DAL), Aaron Gertz, and others. Bartending at The Deli, Saloon, and Toftrees Resort-and some very long football Saturdays working from open to close. Happy hours and pub nights at the Lion's Den, Train Station, Rathskeller, and Xeno's, and Phirst Family (or was it First?). One of those infamous campus squirrels climbing up my leg to get a piece of my soft pretzel. Taking nearly 50 undergrad. engineering credits after already completing all the graduate level coursework (engineering degree the hard way). PSU helped me land a good job at IBM. Spent 13 years working professionally as an engineer, but then moved on to an entirely different career in financial services and investment management.